The sequel to the popular debut work “Beast Classroom Female Teacher Yuka" is finally here! Yuka, a female teacher who is thought to be Ubu, is introduced to her Harumoto by her girlfriend Ami. Even so, the calls from the boys are uninterrupted, and every day they are hit in the SM room … Finally, during class, be humiliated in front of other students. Harumoto, who was the only peace of life as a sexual slave, is facing the bad intentions of boys.
"Please ruin the lace flower field that blooms in my uniform ..." Put on a slip on such an H uniform ...
As a queen, she restrains a cocky, out-of-control woman and puts her in a never-ending hell of pleas ...
The movement is completely blocked and the upper and lower holes are insulted and the joy juice is e ...
A young woman trapped in an infinite prison in a perverted demon trap. Ugly and distorted desires ar ...
In 2044, the avian influenza H-17 virus, which had been mutated repeatedly, suddenly caused humans t ...
A beautiful esthetician, "Emiri," sneaks money from a customer's wallet with a simple heart. In spit ...