The sequel to the popular debut work “Beast Classroom Female Teacher Yuka" is finally here! Yuka, a female teacher who is thought to be Ubu, is introduced to her Harumoto by her girlfriend Ami. Even so, the calls from the boys are uninterrupted, and every day they are hit in the SM room … Finally, during class, be humiliated in front of other students. Harumoto, who was the only peace of life as a sexual slave, is facing the bad intentions of boys.
Her husband, who was affected by an incurable disease and was about to die, began to show an abnorma ...
Ayu Sakurai appears in the full-scale bondage drama series "Bondage Daughter"! !! A butler who can't ...
"Mizuno Chaoyang" is tied up with hemp rope and raised to an unknown stage. At the moment of waking ...
The daily life of a high school girl who is taken over by a wealthy family and tied up by the kinky ...
Juice blame BDSM. When WAAP's "Bondage Bukkake Insult" for the first time in 10 years since "Black S ...
Shiho is the so-called SP Elite, the Inspector of the Security Division, who is in charge of guardin ...